I had given up on SQLite 5 years ago, because of some false myths across the internet. Thank you Aaron for bringing me back to this powerful database! Shipped almost two apps, love the simplicity and the high performance of SQLite! This course is best possible investment 🚀Iliyan Slavov
Build with and integrate SQLite into your production applications.
I've made my test data available for you to use and follow along.
Okay. Wrapping up this module, I've got a quick one for you and this is how to corrupt your database so that hopefully you don't corrupt it. First things first, do not ever delete the dash wall file. There's a good chance that if you see a dash wall file, it's got data in it so don't delete it. That is a hot journal that hasn't yet been committed to the dot SQLite or or rather the main database.
It hasn't yet been committed And so if you delete that file because you're like, well SQLite, it's all stored in in one file. Yeah. Except for the wall. So, you're gonna have a bunch of data in that dash wall, don't delete it. The dash shm, should you see that hanging around, that's just shared memory between processes and that's how these processes, can coordinate to find things faster.
They use this shared memory file. Way less important. Both of those files should go away when the last connection is closed. So they'll be there and then they won't be there. That is how it's supposed to work.
Do not do not delete it. Do not move one without the other. And in fact, if you're going if you're going to move or copy the files, you better be sure that no one else is doing anything with those files particularly writing because that's how you could end up with a corrupted database. So if you need to if you need to move or copy them, you can start a, an immediate transaction. You can start an immediate transaction.
That's gonna block everybody else from writing and then you can copy. I would recommend using one of the blessed backup methods because those are gonna be a little bit safer and more robust and make me feel a little better. But as long as you're sure that nobody is touching the database and you take the main file and the wall file should it exist, you're fine. It's very portable in that regard, just don't do it wrong. The other way would be write directly to the database file.
It is just a file and if you're brave, you could try to write directly to it. I wouldn't. Don't do that. That's a terrible idea. Do not open it up and write directly to it.
Use a proper approved tool for writing to your SQLite database. Most of the other ways to corrupt your database you're not really gonna run into. Most of the other ways are bad file systems or poor locking implementations that can get you host pretty quickly if 2 two processes start writing at once. You are straight out of luck. That's bad news.
But most of the time, that is just not going to be an issue. There's a very, very, very, very outside, possibility that you are using a file system with a port locking implementation. I just don't think that's really a problem these days. The main problem is somebody looking and seeing a dash wall and thinking, I didn't put that there, I'm gonna delete that. Don't, don't do that.
Beyond that, it's pretty robust. It's been around for a long time. They've tested and tested and tested it. You should be okay as long as you abide by those rules.