High Performance SQLite is more than just an SQLite course, it is a general SQL masterclass. The course has unlocked new breakthroughs for query performance in my day-to-day, it's a great level-up!Eckhardt Dreyer
Build with and integrate SQLite into your production applications.
I've made my test data available for you to use and follow along.
The title of this video, or at least the title I have planned for this video, is running SQLite locally which, I gotta be honest, is kind of a lie because you're not running anything. Right? There's no server to keep up or to run or to start or to stop. It's just a library, but running SQLite locally is a good video title. Every Apple computer, every Mac comes with SQLite already installed.
If you don't have it on whatever machine you're running on, it's very easy to get. I have actually gone ahead and used brew, homebrew, to install SQLite here. I'll show you why here in a second. But let me just start by showing you which SQLite 3. You can see I am using that homebrew version.
If we were to say SQLite 3 version, it would show you I'm using 3.46 which is May 23rd of 2024. To get in there, you just say SQLite 3, you see that same version again, and you see that you're connected to a transient in memory database. You know, single lite is just a file but sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's just transient in memory which is so cool to me and a great, honestly this is a great use case for for running your tests. You don't have to create a new file.
You can just use an in memory database. Let's get out of here. We'll come back to this later, but for now let's get out of here. If you want to install with homebrew you can just do brew install SQLite 3. There might be a cask you have to add.
The docs the docs will tell you that. You can also get the pre compiled binaries from the SQLite, website. You can see here's our favorite word, the amalgamation. The amalgamation is everything an application needs to embed SQLite. This their chosen flavor of SQLite.
You can add extra extensions in but this is the one that they have chosen to ship. So Android, Linux, Mac, Windows, dotnet, WebAssembly, something else. You can see all of the different, ways that they have compiled it for you which is kinda awesome. One thing I will say about the, SQLite version that ships with your Mac is it doesn't have the ability, it wasn't compiled with the ability to load extensions. That's why I switched from the one that came pre compiled, or came installed with my Mac OS.
I switched to the brew version, the homebrew version, because I can install or add extra extensions to that and it's more up to date. You might check the version that's running on your local machine and see if it's up to date or out of date. If you're running the default that came with your Macbook or your otherwise Apple computer, you're not gonna be able to install extensions. I would recommend using homebrew or getting it off the SQLite website.