I highly recommend High-Performance SQLite to fellow engineers. My motivation for learning SQLite stemmed from my interest in local-first applications, and I needed to understand SQLite to effectively use it in the browser. This resource provided that knowledge in a clear and practical manner, making it a must-watch for modern developers.Yuya Fujimoto
Build with and integrate SQLite into your production applications.
I've made my test data available for you to use and follow along.
As we close out this introduction module, I wanna talk about one last thing and that's the SQLite documentation. Y'all, it is it is very good. I've got it right here. I've got most of it right here. Not not all of it, but most of it.
The documentation is very good. I wanna encourage you to go to the docs first when you have some sort of issue. After you go to the docs you can go, I don't know where people go these days, presumably just chat gpt, but check the docs first. They're very thorough, very well written, and they're written in sort of like a conversational tone, and so they're very easy to read. One thing that I found super useful in the docs is what they call railroad diagrams, and I'm gonna show you one right here.
This is a railroad diagram for a select statement. And so the way that you read these is you just kind of follow the arrows. So we're gonna start with select and then you see you've got 3 different spots you can go to. You can say select distinct or select all or you could go all the way over to select result column. And this result column is actually, it's a railroad diagram in and of itself.
I'll show you that one here in a second. But you can see select result column makes a loop with a comma and you can go back and do more and more and more result columns. So you can enter this loop here until you're done and then come down here and this would lead you to from table or subquery and join clause. So let's scroll down a little bit and look at this result column. So this little result column is down here and you can see that is actually a railroad diagram in itself.
So it has an expression as a column alias or a star or table name dot star and that is the end of that little sub diagram. And so that's the one that runs in circle over and over and over. So if you're looking for the definitive source of truth on what all can go in, a SQL query, what what is the universe of possibilities? And once you know it, what what's the syntax? How do I figure out what the syntax is?
Come here, check these out. We're gonna be looking at these a lot as we go and so I wanted to give you a little primer on these. This is really good. This is high quality documentation and, honestly, I'm pretty grateful that they put the time in to write this. So check these out, and I'll try to teach you everything I can, but the docs are gonna be more thorough.