Aaron and Steve are a killer combo for high quality courses like High Performance SQLite. The course shows at great detail the ins and outs of SQLite and how to scale it to compete with any other database. I love it!Nik Spyratos
Build with and integrate SQLite into your production applications.
I've made my test data available for you to use and follow along.
Hello, and welcome to High Performance SQLite. I hope you're as excited as I am. I kinda doubt that you are. I get very, very excited about databases and teaching and education. I love it so much.
My job here is to transfer that knowledge but also that excitement and that enthusiasm to you. A little bit about me. My name is Aaron Francis. I'm I wear a lot of hats. I'm a database educator.
I make a lot of videos. I'm a software developer. But none of that matters compared to the fact that I have 2 sets of twins. So I have 4 kids. 2 of them are 3 and 2 of them are, like, 6 months old.
That is by far my favorite job, but not the reason that you are here. Let me tell you a little bit about what we're gonna do in this course. My goal is to transfer all of this knowledge about SQLite and production and high performance SQL, transfer all of that to you. Throughout this course, we're gonna be we're we're gonna be learning a whole lot. My goal for you, my goal for you is not that you ever memorize anything.
You can memorize stuff. My goal is to teach you so that you will understand it and so that you can intuit the answer later. So if you just memorize a bunch of stuff and then you forget it that's no good. But if you deeply learn it then when new questions come along you have a pretty good framework upon which you can base your own answer. So that's my goal.
Each video is going to build on itself. We're gonna look at the internals of SQLite. We're gonna look at the file format. We're gonna go over advanced SQL. We're gonna go over a lot of stuff and it all builds on itself.
Hopefully you can watch this straight through. Take your time. There there are a lot of videos here. Take your time. But hopefully you can watch it straight through.
The stuff that we learn at the beginning about some of the fundamentals will make the videos later a lot easier because you'll have that nice foundational grasp. What you're gonna see on the screen is a lot of times you're gonna see me talking like this. Sometimes I'll be up in the corner or down in the corner or wherever wherever producer Steve decides to put me is where I'll be. And we'll see either the command line or maybe a database GUI, but that's about as much as we're gonna see. This course is not specific to any framework or programming language or anything like that.
We are really really really going to focus on SQLite. That brings up a great question. What about Turso? Turso has sponsored this course. What does that actually mean?
Turso has sponsored this course which allows us to make a huge portion of these videos free and allows me and those many children to eat during that period when we're spending all of this time creating the course. We're very very grateful to Turso for sponsoring this course. What I'm going to teach you here is not Turso specific. This isn't this isn't a Turso course. I'm gonna teach you everything you need to know about vanilla SQLite so you can do it on your own.
That being said, Turso makes life a lot easier. So everywhere that I teach you vanilla SQLite, I'm going to try to tell you if potentially Turso makes that easier. You'll know how to do everything on your own, but if you want the easy way out, Turso is a great, great option. So don't be afraid that this is going to be vendor specific. It's not vendor specific.
It's not framework specific. It's not language specific. It is SQLite specific. So we're gonna cover the internals. We're gonna cover some extensions, the ecosystem.
We're gonna cover all kinds of stuff. Throughout the entire course I'm going to try to highlight the differences between SQLite and something like MySQL or Postgres. There are so many differences that making a single video about the differences doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I might try to wrap some of them up into a single video. But everywhere throughout the course I'm gonna say, hey, if you're coming from MySQL, this might be different. Or if you're coming from Postgres, this might be different. Keep that in mind as we're going. I hope that you enjoy this. I would love any feedback that you have.
We put a lot of work into this. Like I said, education is a joy for me. I love teaching. I love databases, weirdly enough. And so this this is a lot of work, but it's a joy for me, and I hope that you really enjoy it.
Alright. Let's get started.